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Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes it is inappropriate to whip out a camera...

Apparently one of these times is in an Indian emergency room. It's a shame because I wish I could share, but apparently setting down your screaming child to snap a few shots from your phone is frowned upon.

For all the grandmothers that are reading this, I'll just get the end of the story out of the way. Everett fell off the jungle gym and sprained his foot...or ankle...or something I don't know...which goes back to the whole ER experience. At any rate, other than the fact that he has to crawl around the house, he's fine.

So, in the first 5 minutes at the boys new school, Everett fell off the jungle gym and hurt his foot. Again, for the grandmothers, this was just a happy coincidence which I can only attribute to the fact that Carl was out of town and that seems to be when we make all our ER trips, it had nothing to do with the safety of the school play equipment or the attentiveness of the teachers.

Thank goodness I was there, and I called our one friend here who promptly directed me to the hospital and offered to meet me there. It is very hard to get anything done around here without yelling at people, and you have to live here a while to get used to that so she came along to do all the yelling for me.

Now when I say "promptly," our driver got lost 3 times and then got a ticket which I had no idea was even possible here. But apparently it is. So, promptly, an hour later we arrived at the hospital.

The doctors and nurses were very kind to Everett and to me so I don't want to spend too much time talking about the hospital but let's just say it was no medical city....okay it was no parkland....

So I'll just say...yada yada yada...the power came back on so that they were able to do Everett's xray which looked okay to the lady at the front desk. After some good yelling by my friend, we got a doctor to look at the xray, and she said to just come back in the morning for a cast if he wasn't better.


I guess I've been here long enough to just go with that, and he does seem a little better this morning. And if you know Samuel and Everett, you know they love to pretend to be dogs so the crawling isn't really bothering anyone....except for strangers....who let's be honest, probably want to whip out their cameras as well.

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